Welcome to CSA

The College of Sustainable Abundance

There are many ways to live not free. Freedom it turns out is a condition that depends upon others, a dynamic equilibrium of mutual responsibility that sits well within the logic of sustainability – same logic, same template.

At CSA we stand for sustainable freedom, peace, and abundance. Under the logic of (real) sustainability we refute the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as being based upon a deceptive fabrication.

Here, we advocate an approach to life called Sustainable Abundance. It is based upon verifiable principles and offers methods for incorporating sustainability into all levels of decision-making. The treatise presented on these pages is a summary introduction to the basics of that approach.

Later, we will be offering further courses in Sustainable Abundance (Land-Food-People) systems, and Sustainable Freedom (Morality-Governance-Education) systems as tools for the spiritually-purposed to work towards what we term the Great Recovery. CSA is an offshoot of the Landbase Project.

If you would like to help bring that to fruition: Support Us | Join Us

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