
Overview/ Mission

Our health depends upon food. Our economy depends upon food. Yet our economy continues to produce unhealthy food and unhealthy soil. And so the tide of health worldwide continues to ebb.

BUT, there are thousands of groups and millions of people who are absolutely dedicated to reversing that. This treatise/ course is meant as a standalone tool for helping anyone to deepen the channels that will hasten that incoming tide once it starts to rise. We bring together three converging story-lines:

1. An actual scientific approach to how sustainability truly works;
2. Refuting the UN’s pseudo-sustainability (Sustainable Development);
3. Using sustainability to move towards responsible autonomy at all levels.

Progressing from there, the Landbase Project has four stages,

      1. Rethink
      2. Regroup
      3. Resettle
      4. Recover

This treatise is part of the first…

What is most important at this beginning stage is to understand the basics of true sustainability, to grasp the root logic that separates success from failure in every landscape that we interact with and within; i.e. environmental, moral and political, etc. Once you get that, then you will start to notice how this process is happening everywhere around us.

Please study this simple introduction as a COURSE.
Full membership in the Project requires passing a test on this content.